Now I have established a Tumblr presence. May post here in the future.
🌀 Pleased to meet you, I'm Stuffd, your local Sega Dreamcast enjoyer.
🌀 Artist, father of one pufferfish.
🌀 #2 Crash Twinsanity Fan
#2 Twinsanity Fan
Joined on 11/17/22
Posted by segastuffd - August 31st, 2023
Now I have established a Tumblr presence. May post here in the future.
Posted by segastuffd - July 6th, 2023
Do you like games and gaming? Are you a fan of people with shapes for their face? Well I have good news. I've decided to announce this silly comic, "Miscellaneous Stuffd" to satisfy your gaming and triangle needs. There's even cute robots and nefarious wet creatures.
If you have any suggestions regarding what I'm about to embark on, drop it below or wherever. I'd love to cover some video game thing you're interested in as a comic.
If it's not a lame Family Guy cutaway to a video game joke, then it's probably going to be related to slice of life stuff in relation to what's going on in my noggin.
miscellaneous stuffd more info . . .
Silly cover image. I used Impact font for professionalism.
Posted by segastuffd - June 26th, 2023
I remember drawing this goofy box art last year as a part of an inside joke me and a few friends had going with a music competition we had a while back. Decided to share it because this drawing goes pretty-ahem-hard.
Bonus sketches of Tenkay.
Do not ask me why she is Peter Griffin in that last image. Don't ask questions you're not prepared to know the answers to.
Posted by segastuffd - June 26th, 2023
I drew stuff and expressions. Enjoy.
80% of it is Nikki, now not Splatoon flavored. Do not eat a foam football.
Posted by segastuffd - May 2nd, 2023
So when I would only post these on my Twitter (Oh naw), I had Splatfest comics be what I'd call "Half-Comics" or ".5 Comics" or something more clever than these examples. They'd go over the current Splatfest that was going on such as the more recent actually numbered comics. I'll toss them below because reposting them as an actual artpiece now would be jarring.
(2.5, Gear, Grub, Fun)
(8.5, Obligatory Halloween post)
(9.5, Grass, Fire, Water)
Why did I only now use the Splatoon font for comics and not back then? Good question, I couldn't answer that.
Posted by segastuffd - April 23rd, 2023
barcode is added so you are able to scan it at the self checkout
Posted by segastuffd - March 15th, 2023
I loved the fake take of Fake Peppino in Pizza Tower, so I made a Fake Tenkay, drooping eyeball and all. I should try to draw mild body horror similar to this more often, this was pretty fun to bend my style a bit and do this.
Posted by segastuffd - March 10th, 2023
They both make gizmos and doohickeys to different levels of success. They're best friends, too.
Posted by segastuffd - January 31st, 2023
Was thinking about making funny little face icons or something for emojis or maybe even pins. Dunno if I'll even figure out how to make some, so this is just for fun or emojis right now. Anyways... what very cool characters do you like and would like to see drawn?
Posted by segastuffd - December 31st, 2022
2022 was truly a year of growth for my art, hmm? I began to experiment with colors and styles a lot more nearing the end, and I think that's where my favorite pieces ended up lying, really. I think a good New Year's Resolution for me is to experiment a lot more with how I draw, and to probably post more miscellaneous art, too, such as concept art of various characters of mine and whatever else. Ah, also to maybe post more art on various platforms, given I just joined NG just a month and a half ago or so.
It's nice to have an audience to share my ideas to whenever, and for the matter to draw inspiration from at the same time. The Art Portal often helps me concoct some nice ideas...
Let's see where 2023 takes me, shall we? Have a Happy New year, alright?
(My best works, one for each month. Even the little blurbs like the poorly drawn guy and the Blockbench model. I noticed I seriously picked up in the end in regards to a more vivid style.)